"Dear _______,
Hello we are two year 13 media students at Lutterworth college, for part of our A2 coursework we are looking to make a performance music video in a white room or a room with a white background. We have researched the local area and your facilities would be ideal for a location to film. We realise you may get emails such as this often, and you have jobs to do, but we were wondering if it would be possible to film our music video at _______________________ in late September/early October. If this is not possible do you know of anywhere that would be suitable? Thank you in advanced for the time you've taken to read this email, we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Alex Parr and Ryan Wills
Lutterworth College."
After a number of emails it appeared that we had reached a dead end. However the Guildhall and Newarke houses Museum have responded positively to my emails, and both now seem a probable possibility. Even though the decor of the main rooms in these locations is not what we are looking for, I am investigating whether they have rooms off the beat and track that would be suitable, I.e: plain white rooms. I have print screened a copy of the conversations between us, and these to possible locations. I will continue to pursue these opportunities and update the blog when I have finalised a location.

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