Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Filming Day - (30/10/13)

Our chosen venue as mentioned in previous posts by Alex is the 'Yellow Bean Studios'. We have had this venue secured for over a week, but we had not securely pencilled in a date and time until Monday. We had an advantage when it came to organising hours needed as Alex had already been involved in production for another groups video (this information can be viewed at the 'experience working on a music video post dated (9/1013). After a discussion we decided that a minimum of five hours would be necessary as the filming phase is a surprisingly longer than you would expect. We also came to the conclusion that a few added hours would be vital. These additional hours would allow arriving late to not hugely effect production, allow make up and costume to be thorough whilst also giving actors/band members breaks. Following the summary of our discussion we decided to get hold of our contact (Jono) who we have been sharing phone conversations with, and secure the hours necessary. We were able to secure a 9 to 5 slot for Wednesday (30/10/13).

The Studio Address is as follows ;

376 Western Road
Leicester, UK

Again 'as mentioned by Alex in a previous post' we have been given access to a 26X15 ft studio with a white curved infinity wall studio area, a hi-glide, dressing room, seating area, WI-FI, kitchen, toilet and lighting. Our preproduction phase was completed before the date and times were confirmed. We completed an equipment list, storyboard and animatic. All of these making filming a lot easier.

We have organised our day I'm time order below......

8:00 - Emily will drive from home to Georges house to pick him up.
          *Whilst Emily is driving Alex is filling his car with all the equipment.*
8:15 - Emily picks George up then leaves to pick Me (Ryan) + camera up from school.
8:30/8:45 - Emily picks up Ryan + camera from school.
8:30/8:45 - Emily heads from school to the Studio.
8:45 - Alex leaves home to studio.
9:00 - Alex arrives at the studio to introduce himself to owners.
9:15 - Emily, George, Ryan meet Alex at the studio.
9:15 - 9:30 - Equipment is set up.
9:30 - 10:00 - Costume + Makeup
10:00 - Filming Begins
11:30 - Break
11:45 - Filming Resumes
1:00 - Lunch Break
1:30 - Filming Resumes
3:00 - Break
3:15 - Filming Resumes
4:45 - Equipment packed up
5:15 - Leave studio (Emily drops George & Ryan home)
5:15 - Alex leaves studio to home

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Members of the band.

The following people will be the 3 members of our band: 'Presbyterian Church of Korea'.

(Alex Parr, Emily Kemp, George Sherrat) 

Monday, 28 October 2013

Instruments for music video.

In preparation for the filming date on wednesday I have been organising a number of things. First of all I have sourced the instruments needed in our music video (helped by my dad being in a band). The following Drum, Amplifier, Electric guitar and microphone will feature in our performance music video. 


... We have finally secured a location to film our Fictitious music video! We will be filming between 9 am and 5 pm on Wednesday the 30th of October at the Yellow Bean Studios in Leicester. The "SPACIOUS 26 X 15 FT STUDIO  IS SITUATED JUST OFF NARBOROUGH ROAD EQUIPPED WITH WHITE CURVED “INFINITY” WALL STUDIO AREA, HI GLIDE, DRESSING ROOM, SEATING AREA, WI-FI, AND KITCHEN/TOILET."

Feedback - Mr Smith

Following this feedback from my teacher (Mr Smith), it is clear that I do not need to add or take anything away from my poster. There is however room for improvement in the shape of 2 marks for my digipak.

Improvements for my digipak;

* a rethink when it comes to my cover
* research regarding cover/style

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Digipak and Magazine advert draft - IMPROVEMENTS

After constructing my Digipak and Magazine advert draft (a rushed effort must I add), I have came across a number of improvements that can be made:

  • Magazine advert picture can be improved or replaced, the lighting wasn't great when I took the photo's at a church in Lutterworth and also the girl pictured in my photo wasn't wearing make up so does not look as photogenic as she almost always does. So I may need to take a few more photo's with better lighting and make-up. The opportunity to do this may arise on the same day that we film our music video at a professional photography studio with excellent lighting and facilities. Also this picture is used for the front cover of my digipak, so the same issue can be resolved by making similar improvements.
  • I need to add Copyright and manufacturing details to the back cover of my digipak, I plan to place these in the bottom right hand corner of the page, which is conventional.
  • Also I need to flip the left, back and inside cover the opposing way up, so that when my digipak folds in to it's format the images and patterns are the right way round.
  • Finally I may alter the effects I have used on the back cover slightly as it is minutely different to the rest of the digipak.

Once I have made these improvements, my digipak and magazine advert should look good and professional.  

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Digipak Draft - Influences/Explanatory Research

1. Front Cover (1)

I decided to use a simplistic symbol which most would recognise from the volume increase key on apple inc's operating system. I also have seen this symbol being used on a book which I own, written by a personal favourite and inspirational figure in music 'David Byrne'. 

2. Front Cover (2)

The Bible. Yes, I admit this one doesn't take Moriarty to decode. The chosen band name we have used throughout this project is 'Presbyterian Church of Korea'. For this reason I felt nothing other than an obvious church (or a not so obvious North Korean Kim Jong-Un) would suit better than a bible. Another reason for my use of the bible is that a neon counterpart is used upon Arcade Fire's 'Neon Bible', which again is a piece of work which I take influence.

3. 'Cover Inside' Filler 

I decided to fill my inside cover with the band name for a couple of reasons. Firstly I have bought a product in previous years which fills the inside cover with the album name 'Phoenix - Bankrupt!' because the front cover uses NO text, this is similar to my front cover (s). My album is self titled (because it is a debut album and stereotypically a lot of debut records are named after it's contributors). The font I have used on my inside cover reminds me of the lead font used for a film which goes by the name of 'Where The Wild Things Are' produced by a personal hero of mine Spike Jonze. This font appears rather home made which mirrors styles used by bands such as Arcade Fire and Sigur Ros.

4. Folding inside cover which links to make one image. Matching up with another side when folded back and forward. 

I am very keen on the idea that my digipak will intertwine one side/cover with a different side/cover to make one fluent image. I have seen this done in records from home, ... of the top of my head they include; 
Phoenix - Bankrupt! (coins)
LCD Soundsystem - This Is Happening (JM)

5. Back Cover/ Tracklisting

I want my back cover to be as minimal as the front. I feel there have been some noteworthy pieces of work released in the past which show a minimal cover but fail to deliver on the back. Instead they load rear cover with an ugly tracklisting, an even uglier barcode and some more ugly manufacturing/franchise jargon to finish it off.

To dodge this problem I have decided to use a thin sticker barcode (similar to what David Byrne did on his St Vincent collaboration album), have minimal font and a simplistic company logo (DFA). Even the DFA logo has been changed so that it is not an eye soar. (originally the lighting strike was all white, I decided I only wanted the outline). I do still need a tiny piece of legal information adding, however because my record label (DFA) are an independent label and production team they do not have to go through large companies to produce their work. This will cut down on the rubbish which would normally be added to the bottom of a back cover. 

MAN DOWN - absence from school

Unfortunately I am going to be absent from school due to an operation. This operation is going to take place on Thursday the 17th October and will keep me in the hospital until the following day. (Friday the 18th October). For this reason I will be missing lessons which fall on these days. Because of this problem I will be posting my draft products up to my blog on the Wednesday (16th October). 

Digipak Draft - (1), (2) & (3)

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Experience working on a music video.

Yesterday (8th of October), I worked on a music video performing as one half of the indie/synth duo 'INFLUXX'. throughout the duration of the day I learnt a number of things that could help to make our music video run more smoothly, in the aspects of planning and being organised, and executing the video itself. 


Firstly I learnt that music video's take A LOT longer to film that we first anticipated, on INFLUXX's directors plan, they estimated that filming would last 8 hours, it ended up lasting 11 and a half hours. I have learn to make sure that we allow ourselves enough time to achieve what we want to do. Also I learnt that, because of the long hours we were performing, me and Ellie (actors) and also the film crew, became demotivated towards the end and the efficiency in our working decreased. Taking this in to our music video, we need to construct a realistic plan of action for the filming day, have regular breaks and provide food for everyone in order to keep them motivated and make the final product as good as we can. Also the mobility of the lights and camera, being moved around the venue to film was very time consuming. However we are filming in a studio so this means we will only have to slightly alter the mise en scene each shot, thus eliminating/decreasing the impact of this problem.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Digipak Inspiration // Album covers


Here are a number of album covers that caught my eye and offered 
possible inspiration when I was browsing through my iTunes library.